Friday, May 14, 2010

# 65. peoplealwaysleave.

photograph from googleimages

in a lifetime, hundreds and thousands of lives crosses one another.
some might just be merely a short "hello",
some you'll miss after goodbyes, some lasts a lifetime.
some might make the world seem a better place, some hurt us.
many are just company, some teaches us,
some gives us strength to carry on.
but people always leave at the end of the day, only those who matters,
leave footprints in our hearts.
all I hope for is that the people in my life marathon today,
would stay just alil bit longer.
and everything, will seem much easier to bare.



  1. awww.. so inspiring..
    but uh.. did you really write this?

  2. AL: lol. everything in my blog is written by me. =) except for which, a post, if you would wanna check, entitled, #32. faith.- that is the only one blog post which was copied and pasted. it was a post about Psalms 109. i personally think, thrs no need in changing those great words.

