Saturday, February 27, 2010

# 56. Hope.

Hope. I have always been the girl who've always dream about my prince charming, coming to sweep me off my feet on his pure-white beautiful horse. I've always been the girl who've believed that no matter how ugly the world has become, beauty will never stop growing out from every tiny corner imaginable. I've always believed that even when the sun sets every dusk, the sun is just waiting patiently to rise the very next dawn. I've always believed that despite every fall in life, its only to make us stronger, a lesson to learn from. I've always believed that life is always beautiful and meaningful. I've always believed that life is about the journey and not the destination. I've always believed that life is about exploring and learning. I've always believed in the goodness of life. I've always believed that life is not about self but its always about the lives we've touched. I've always believed that life is about reaching out for our dreams and making it a reality. I've always believed that the difference between dreams and reality is only doing it. I've always believed that no matter what, we should not lose our integrity in life, we should not lose ourselves. I've always believed that there is a bigger plan out there, set by God, for me. I've always believed.

Yes, you are right. I don't always feel so hopeful. I'm not perfect. I'm not bulletproof. I'm afterall, only human. Life isn't always beautiful, life isn't always smooth sailing. Life is hard, some say, Lifes' a bitch. Yes, it really is. But whatever it is, I think, we should never lose hope. Hope keeps us going in life. Hope is what keeps things pure and true. Hope is what gives us strength to push and to carry on. Do not let anyone or anything in life take that away from you. I've recently heard a friend of mine quote. A quote which I find true.

"When we long for life without difficulties, be reminded that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. So when life is hard, we are actually diamonds in the making. Stay strong people"- Shas Fung. 260210.
So stay strong and remember, life is after all, all about hope, lets not give that up just yet.


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